RESEARCH: Sovol SV01 Direct Drive 3D Printer

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Sovol SV01 3D Printer is an entry level printer that provides larger print area. The printer comes mostly assembled and produces relatively good print without too much prior experience.


  • Cheaper ($300ish) entry level printer that provides good prints for beginners

  • Larger print volume (28cm x 24cm x 30cm)

  • Come mostly assembled and beginner friendly


  • Nosy printer - mostly coming from the extruder and/or board cooling fan

  • Some reports of faulty prints starting after 3-4 months of use - some were able to fix by replacing extruder cooling fan (this maybe related to the noisy print/fan)

NOTE1: I am new to this printer and more info will be added

  • There is a credible rumor about the version 2 coming soon - likely to include upgraded board and parts

NOTE2: Due to the COVID-19 and the 3D printers being used to print medical/protective equipments, there seems to be a shortage of 3D printers as of April 2020. Thanks for all the hard work that is made by the technologists and engineers to help with the global pandemic. Also, a big thank you to all the heroes who are still fighting in the frontline to help save lives!


Order Status: PRUSA MINI, ordered on 12/28/2019