Order Status: PRUSA MINI, ordered on 12/28/2019
Order Status:
Ordered on 12/28/2019, via Prusa website
Shipping Status:
Original estimated date: mid March 2020
Date moved to 4/27/2020 due to COVID-19
Date further delay to 6/16/2020
Date moved up to 6/16/2020
Shipped on 5/28/2020, estimated arrival on 6/1/2020
PRUSA Mini website
PRUSA, manufacturing located at Prague, Czechia
Other Status & updates
NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 and the 3D printers being used to print medical/protective equipments, there seems to be a shortage of 3D printers as of April 2020. Thanks for all the hard work that is made by the technologists and engineers to help with the global pandemic. Also, a big thank you to all the heroes who are still fighting in the frontline to help save lives!
June 1, 2020 - PRUSA Mini arrived
June 2, 2020 - Assembly complete. It took approximately 2 hours. The build was not too difficult, but there were a few areas where it was a bit tricky.
June 3, 3030 - Calibration and test print complete. It is a small printer, but works very good out of the box.