MASTER CLASS: Mr. Masahiko Yamaguchi (aka Dr. Guero)
Mr. Masahiko Yamaguchi at the 2011 International Robot Exhibition, Tokyo Japan
“I am interested in artificial intelligence, and in that context, I think intelligence and skills have equal value. So my purpose in creating this robot was to pursue intelligence from the skills perspective.”
One of my heroes of the Bipedal Humanoid is Mr. Masahiko Yamaguchi (aka Dr. Guero, Youtube). Hi’s research on balancing robot is simply amazing. Access to his work by the English speaking audience is only limited through the awful internet translation services. As the modest nature of a Japanese culture and introverted temperament of a technologist, I doubt he will ever PR himself on the internet. I wanted to dedicate this page to share some of the greatest work done by Mr. Masahiko Yamaguchi.
Blog in Japanese -
Youtube channel -
Tamagawa Seiki demo at 2011 iRex, Tokyo Japan -
Demo of the Stilts Robot, 5th ROBO-ONE on PC -
Who is Dr. Guero?
Name: Masahiko Yamaguchi
Current Residence: Shizuoka, Japan
Nickname: Dr. Guero (The nickname was given by his wife who is a big fan of popular Japanese anime Dragon Ball. Dr. Guero is an evil genius robot inventor who was the master mind behind the RR army. Perhaps it is a fitting nickname since the husband is alway working on robots and is rarely available to help with the housework.)
Significance of 2001 reference in your ID? - It is a reference to the favorite move “2001: Space Odyssey”
Robotics Research:
Currently being pursued as an independent research. I wanted to work on the full-size humanoid or a robot that can be deployed to a real work environment such as a robot to operate in the Fukushima nuclear disaster site. Independent researchers have various difficulties including micro budget usually funded by themselves, and the limitation of equipments/tools and certain skills to build the robot. For this reason, the release of a successful robots are far and far between (based on a forum post in 2013).
Limitation of small humanoid robots:
Characteristics of the servos used in the robot plays a big part; difficult to calculate exact tolerances level from the movements; difficult to process calculations of the mechanical motions of a rapid movement such as dynamic walking
Why focusing on the Bipedal Humanoid?
The approach of the bipedal humanoid requires pursuit of rationality and enhanced logical understanding of human which allows us to develop more useful robots
Robotics is a convergence of various technical disciplines (electrical, mechanical, and software)
My goal is to get to the AI via the use of robotics (based on the forum post in 2015).
Thoughts on consciousness
I think the brain contains something that is "non-computational" which cannot be replaced by symbolic logic.
Work In Progress - Translation of the Dr. Guero Blog
Translation of the main Blog page (done - button/link above)
Translation of the subpages/detail pages (started, but it will take a long time due to the complexity of the topics and the expertise required to understand the material)