Spitfire EV Project - Body work (aka Restoration) phase
Fixing a big dent at the bottom of the trunk
As I start sanding out all the old paint from the car, one of the key task is to hammer out all the dents as best I can. Upcourse, it is much easier said than done in execution.
1/2 inch thick putty from the previous repair - all have to be scraped (aka chiseled) off!!
Lots of rust under the old putty work. Good thing I am scraping it down to the bare metal.
And more chisel work……
Since the trunk lid is doubled layered, and I am not able to get my dolly underneath and hammer it out as usual.
Time to get the stud welder out and “pull” out all the dents.
Just with everything in life, it pays off to spend the time and effort in the beginning to build a solid foundation. Since this phase is identical to the normal “Classic Auto Restoration Project”, I can go slow, learning every inch of of the car and it’s history down to the “bare” metal… and fall in love with it.
Once I get done with the body work (removing all the dents; sanding off the paint down to the bare metal; welding on all the tiny cracks formed in the body/sheet metal over time), I can spray paint the exterior with the gray color Epoxy Sealer and interior frame with the black Epoxy Sealer to protect all the metal. Once that is done (expect 1-2 months from now depending on how much time I can allocate for the project with the other competing projects), I can transition to installing batteries and working on the electronics.
Slow and steady & Keep moving forward!