PROJECT: Scratch Building a FPV DRONE (Quadcopter)
I first discovered the First Person View (FPV) Racing Drones (Quads) back in 2014. The technology was just getting started and most of the quads had to be built from a frame kits and many of the parts such as motors, props, ESC’s supplied by yourself. I wanted to describe the technology changes and some of the design choices we had to consider as the drone technology mature from the infant stage.
Application of drone (flying robot) technology
GOALS - 2014
Scratch build FPV Quadcopter (250 size, 3S) & participate in FPV racing events
GOALS - 2015
Implement advanced tuning and programming of the FPV Quads (250 size, 3S & 4S) & participated in FPV racing events
GOALS - 2016
Implement newer technologies and flight controller PID configurations & scratch build mini size FPV Quads (210 size, 3S)
GOALS - 2017
Fly using commercially available FPV Quads (180 to 210 size, 3S & 4S) and antenna technologies
GOALS - 2018
Fly free style FPV & try indoor micro size FPV Quads (3inch size, 1S)
GOALS - 2019
Fly free style FPV using micro size FPV Quads (3inch size, 1S & 2S)
GOALS - 2020
TBD - Considering digital technologies & different configurations including Bicopter and Tricopter
TBD - Considering building Flight Controller based on microcontrollers such as ESP32